Artist Statement
The use of color, texture, form, and space are paramount in my work. Color being my greatest love. Although, the formal qualities of design are extremely important to me, color is the most challenging, and poignantly pervasive. It is life's blood in my work, the hope, joy and sorrow of its expression.
Lines are fascinating to me. As are the repetition of line, and form. I use different forms, some I prefer to use more than others. The painting dictates the form.
When I begin a painting, I often have no idea where it will move. It takes on a life of its own. I try to get out of the way, and let it flow through me, onto the canvas. It is this mysterious adventure that excites me. Also, what you see may not be exactly what you think you see. Often, there is a painting under the painting.
Sometimes, words are not enough to express what is in my soul, my being. My art is my speech, my expression. Just as poetry and music are to the poet, and the musician. My art is about the journey of living. About all that encompasses us, as we live life in the physical, spiritual, and cosmic worlds. Often, it is personalized by the part I play in the journey of life, where my spirit resides. Inside, where the fire burns hot, and the river runs deep; where the passion for life and love swells, and screams to be freed.